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1361-1380 of 1595 Results
Publication title Size Date published
GEMM Guidebook – A Guide to the Roles of the DMO and Primary Dealers in the UK government bond market (now superseded) 566.2KB 20-September-2021
Cash Management Operational Notice and Treasury Bill Information Memorandum (now superseded) 461.0KB 20-September-2021
Auction of £350 million of 0⅛% Index-linked Treasury Gilt 2056 - Prospectus 449.8KB 15-September-2021
Auction of £350 million of 0⅛% Index-linked Treasury Gilt 2056 539.1KB 15-September-2021
Result of the Post-Auction Option Facility 0¼% Treasury Gilt 2031 50.7KB 15-September-2021
Result of the Sale By Auction of £2,500 million of 0¼% Treasury Gilt 2031 54.9KB 15-September-2021
Information Memorandum - Issue, Stripping and Reconstitution of British Government Stock (now superseded) 512.0KB 14-September-2021
Forthcoming Syndication of 0⅞% Green Gilt 2033 391.8KB 14-September-2021
Non Exercise of the Post-Auction Option of 0⅜% Treasury Gilt 2026 62.0KB 14-September-2021
Result of the Sale By Auction of £3,000 million of 0⅜% Treasury Gilt 2026 67.4KB 14-September-2021
Green gilt investor presentation 1.7MB 13-September-2021
UK Government inaugural green gilt – global investor call hosted by HM Treasury and the UK Debt Management Office 536.8KB 09-September-2021
Auction of £2,500 million of 0¼% Treasury Gilt 2031 463.6KB 08-September-2021
Auction of £2,500 million of 0¼% Treasury Gilt 2031 - Prospectus 208.7KB 08-September-2021
Exercise of the Post-Auction Option Facility For 0⅛% Index-linked Treasury Gilt 2031 - Re-opening Prospectus 114.5KB 08-September-2021
Result of the Post-Auction Option Facility 0⅛% Index-linked Treasury Gilt 2031 63.8KB 08-September-2021
Result of the Sale By Auction of £1000 million of 0⅛% Index-linked Treasury Gilt 2031 70.0KB 08-September-2021
Auction of £3,000 million of 0⅜% Treasury Gilt 2026 - Prospectus 209.2KB 07-September-2021
Auction of £3,000 million of 0⅜% Treasury Gilt 2026 464.0KB 07-September-2021
Non Exercise of the Post-Auction Option of 1⅝% Treasury Gilt 2071 61.7KB 07-September-2021
1361-1380 of 1595 Results