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1441-1460 of 1609 Results
Publication title Size Date published
Result of the Sale By Auction of £1,250 million of 1⅝% Treasury Gilt 2071 67.4KB 20-July-2021
DMO Announcement: Index-linked gilt coupon fixing 474.1KB 14-July-2021
Syndicated Offering of £7,000 million of 1⅛% Treasury Gilt 2039 - Final Offering Circular 192.5KB 13-July-2021
Syndicated Offering of £7,000 million of 1⅛% Treasury Gilt 2039 - Preliminary Offering Circular 213.6KB 13-July-2021
Syndicated launch of £7.0 billion of 1⅛% Treasury Gilt 2039: Result 288.9KB 13-July-2021
Auction of £1,250 million of 1⅝% Treasury Gilt 2071 - Prospectus 209.1KB 13-July-2021
Auction of £1,250 million of 1⅝% Treasury Gilt 2071 463.7KB 13-July-2021
DMO/DMA Annual Report and Accounts 2020-21 6.4MB 08-July-2021
Exercise of the Post-Auction Option Facility For 0 ⅛% Index-linked Treasury Gilt 2051 - Re-opening Prospectus 115.9KB 07-July-2021
Result of the Post-Auction Option Facility 0⅛% Index-linked Treasury Gilt 2051 51.4KB 07-July-2021
Result of the Sale By Auction of £600 million of 0⅛% Index-linked Treasury Gilt 2051 58.1KB 07-July-2021
Forthcoming syndication of 1⅛% Treasury Gilt 2039 228.4KB 06-July-2021
Exercise of the Post-Auction Option Facility For 0½% Treasury Gilt 2061 - Re-opening Prospectus 113.6KB 06-July-2021
Result of the Post-Auction Option Facility 0½% Treasury Gilt 2061 51.2KB 06-July-2021
Exercise of the Post-Auction Option Facility For 0¼% Treasury Gilt 2031 - Re-opening Prospectus 113.3KB 06-July-2021
Result of the Post-Auction Option Facility 0¼% Treasury Gilt 2031 50.9KB 06-July-2021
Result of the Sale By Auction of £1500 million of 0½% Treasury Gilt 2061 55.6KB 06-July-2021
Result of the Sale By Auction of £2750 million of 0¼% Treasury Gilt 2031 55.3KB 06-July-2021
PWLB Report and Accounts 2020-21 4.2MB 02-July-2021
Syndicated launch of a new conventional gilt maturing on 31 January 2039 in the week commencing 12 July 2021: appointment of syndicate 410.3KB 02-July-2021
1441-1460 of 1609 Results