Commissioners for the Reduction of the National Debt



The statutory functions of the Commissioners for the Reduction of the National Debt (CRND) are carried out within the United Kingdom Debt Management Office.

CRND's main function is the investment and management of government funds. It can be contacted by:


Telephone (escalation only):     020 7862 6502



Jo Whelan              Comptroller General

Harjinder Mann      Assistant Comptroller



Please note: the DMO does not provide personal debt advice. For information on managing personal debt please refer to the UK Government website.


Scam, 'Phishing' and Fraudulent Activity


The UK Debt Management Office (DMO) is from time to time made aware of fraudulent e-mails, letters, telephone calls and other correspondence using known identities of the DMO. The DMO is a government agency and does not send correspondence or make telephone calls of this nature. If you receive correspondence of this type and have any reason to doubt its legitimacy, do not respond.

If you receive telephone calls or correspondence that purports to be from the DMO, CRND or the PWLB lending facility, and want to inform the DMO please do so via You may also wish to contact your telephone supplier.

The DMO does not accept any responsibility for any loss or damage arising from contact with such correspondence.