Gilt Market
Historical Prices and Yields
End-of-day reference prices for gilts, STRIPS and Treasury bills are produced and administered by FTSE-Tradeweb. They are available without charge to the wider public for non-commercial use from 12.00 noon on the day following initial publication and can be accessed via Tradeweb's Insite website. Commercial users of the prices should contact or 020 7776 3200 about access.
These are successor prices to those produced by the DMO up until Friday 21 July 2017 when the DMO ceased producing reference prices for gilts, STRIPS and Treasury bills. Further information on this change in price provision is available here. Prices published up until 21 July 2017 are available using the relevant link below.
Historical Treasury Bill Reference Prices - Full dataset
Historical Gilt Reference Prices:
1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 |
2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 |
2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 |
2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | - | - |
Gilt prices produced by the DMO were calculated by collating mid-market closing prices from each Gilt-edged Market Maker (GEMM) for those gilts in which it made markets (conventional gilts, index-linked gilts, or both, with the exception of rump gilts and STRIPS). The DMO published an averaged mid-price, together with an associated gross redemption yield, as the Gilt-edged Market Makers Association (GEMMA) reference price. The reference prices that the DMO published for rump gilts were derived from the prices of other benchmark gilts. From 3 October 2011, prices for STRIPS were calculated using the DMO's theoretical yield curve model fitted to conventional gilts.
For a given gilt the reference price was not intended to give a market price at which it could or has been traded. The DMO collated reference prices on behalf of GEMMA and was in no way responsible for the accuracy and coverage of the underlying prices contributed by the GEMMs. Any errors identified in reference prices that had been published by the DMO will be corrected ASAP, on a best endeavours basis, and the DMO assumes no responsibility towards users of these reference prices. In addition the DMO reserves the right to share prices submitted by the GEMMs with other official bodies in appropriate circumstances.